Cardiff Airport Departures

Compare Currency Rate

Why not compare the currency rates before your board? This way, you'll get the best rate!

Travel Money at Cardiff Airport

Updated Terminal Information

There is only one terminal operating at Cardiff Airport so why not check out the facilities available?

Cardiff Airport Terminal Information

Bars & Restaurant available

Hungry? Well, go ahead and grab a bite to eat before you board your flight. It'll be a nice way to relax!

Bars & Restaurants at Cardiff Airport

Find A Lounge

Booking a lounge at the airport before you fly is a great way to take the stress out of the airport experience.

Lounges at Cardiff Airport

Check-In Times

The real best way to start your trip? Not being late for boarding! Allow yourself the below amount of time to check-in for your flight:

Check in at least 3 hours prior to leaving on an international flight from Cardiff Airport
Check in at least 2 hours prior to leaving on a European flight from Cardiff Airport
Check in at least 90 minutes prior to leaving on a domestic flight from Cardiff Airport

Flight Compensation

Compensair is a great website to see if you are owed money from a recently cancelled or delayed flight. Spare two minutes and click here to fill out their form and find out if your owed up to €600.

Edinburgh Airport flight compensation